--- Highly Recommended ---
Paper Select Box Copipe Memo WRITING PAD
--- New Arrival / 新商品 ---

Fountain Penfriendly Paper Collection

Find your penfriendly paper

"Fountain Pen Friendly Paper collection" is a sample book that is included papers recommended for the fountain pen. And it includes stories of eahe paper too. We selected papers that are very unique. Onionskin, Eggshell, Trancelusent, watermark, and so on. Let's looking for your pen friendly paper!

コピペメモ / Copipe Memo
Paper can surpass Apps by specialized in information sharing
Are we being dominated by the idea that "Everything is convenient thanks to Apps with just a mobile phone"? We response to such a question with knowledge and experience about paper. We built on the ideas and created new innovations to develop a product that explores the convenience of paper.

--- Event / イベント出店情報 ---

2024 San Francisco International Pen Show
Aug 23 (Fri) 8am - 8:30pm
Aug 24 (Sta) 8am - 5pm
Aug 25 (Sun) 8am - 5pm

The Westin San Francisco Airport Hotel
1 Old Bayshore Hwy, Millbrae, CA 94030


Stationery Fest 2024
Aug 7 (Wed) 11am - 7pm
Aug 8 (Thu) 11am - 7pm
Aug 9 (Fri) 11am - 7pm
The Greenpoint Terminal Warehouse (Ground floor)
67 West St, Brooklyn, NY 11222


紙話紙和 vol.5 / Shiwashiwa 
Sep.3.2024 6:00PM-7:00PM
Location: 東京ポートシティー竹芝ポートホール
At Exhibition FRAT#6 Salon space
Ticket / 参加申し込み

→ Event Archive / 過去イベントアーカイブ

--- News ---
--- Wellcome to YAMAMOTO PAPER ---

Thank you for visiting YAMAMOTO PAPER, We founded in 1972, and started as a paper wholesaler. In 2005, we started manufacturing our own paper items. Our line of paper products focus on highlighting the differences between distinct papers. From color to texture to weight, we puts paper at the forefront and using different ways of processing and printing paper, our products including RO-BIKI NOTE, Paper Tasting and Fountain Penfriendly Paper Collection encourage users to compare and contrast between papers.
山本紙業は1972年に紙卸売をベースとした【紙屋】として創業いたしました。そして豊富な紙の知識と加工経験を活かし、2005年から独自の紙製品を開発・製造を行なっています。私たちは【紙】を通じて「紙と暮らし 紙に触れ 紙を愉しむ」をテーマに、文化の創造、人間力の育成、豊かなで健康的な生活を目指しています。私たちの活動が、感性にあふれた若い人達を刺激し、夢あふれる未来が創造される事を願って【日本一おもしろい紙屋】として貢献していきます。

--- Contents / よみもの ---
---Organize / 主催・運営---