ボードゲーム Bord Game


( ハンドル操作 , アクセル操作 )
( Steering Operation , Accelerator Operation)

アクセル操作は前回ターンから移動率を (プラス1) , (マイナス1) , (増減なし) のいずれかを選択します

スタート時( 0 , 0 )から加速する場合はアクセル操作をプラス1して移動率は( 0 , 1 )、
次のターンでさらに加速する場合はアクセル操作をさらにプラス1して移動率は( 0 , 2 )、
さらに次のターンで加速する場合はアクセル操作をさらにプラス1して移動率は( 0 , 3 )となります。
□ Accelerator Operation(Speed Up)
To accelerate, you can increase speed by +1 each time.
Starting from (0,0), accelerate by adding +1 to reach ( 0 , 1 ).
On the next turn, if you accelerate again, add another +1 to reach ( 0 , 2 ).
If you accelerate again on the following turn, add another +1 to reach ( 0 , 3 ).

前回のターンの移動率が( 0 , 3 )だった場合、減速する場合はマイナス1して移動率は( 0 , 2 )、
前回のターンの移動率( 0 , 2 )からさらに減速する場合はさらにマイナス1して移動率は( 0 , 1 )となります。
□ Accelerator Operation(Speed Down)
When decelerating, you can reduce speed by -1 increment at a time.
If the movement rate in the previous turn was (0, 3), decelerate by -1 to (0, 2).
To decelerate further from the previous turn’s movement rate of (0, 2), reduce by another -1 to (0, 1).

前回のターンの移動率が( 0 , 1 )だった場合、速度を維持する場合は増減せず移動率は( 0 , 1 )となります。
□ Accelerator Operation (Speed Maintenance)
When maintaining speed, you will move at the same movement rate as the previous turn.
If the movement rate in the previous turn was ( 0 , 1 ), maintaining speed means no increase or decrease, so it remains ( 0 , 1 ).

ハンドル操作についても同様です。前回ターンから移動率を (プラス1) , (マイナス1) , (増減なし) のいずれかを選択します

スタート時( 0 , 0 )から加重しながら加速する場合はハンドル操作、アクセル操作ともプラス1して移動率は( 1 , 1 )、
次のターンでさらに加重しながら加速する場合はさらにハンドル操作、アクセル操作ともプラス1して移動率は( 2 , 2 )、
さらに次のターンで加重しながら加速する場合はさらにハンドル操作、アクセル操作ともプラス1して移動率は( 3 , 3 )となります。
□ Steering Operation + Accelerator Operation (Speed Up)
When accelerating while applying weight to the steering, you will increase both weight and acceleration by +1 increments.
Starting from ( 0 , 0 ), if you accelerate while applying weight, both values increase by +1 to ( 1 , 1 ).
In the next turn, if you apply more weight while accelerating, both values will again increase by +1 to ( 2 , 2 ).
If you continue to apply weight and accelerate in the following turn, both will increase by +1 to ( 3 , 3 ).

前回のターンの移動率が( 3 , 3 )だった場合、ハンドル角度および速度を維持する場合は増減せず移動率は( 3 , 3 )となります。
□ Steering Operation (Maintenance) + Accelerator Operation (Maintenance)
When maintaining the steering angle and speed, you will move at the same movement rate as the previous turn.
If the movement rate in the previous turn was ( 3 , 3 ), then maintaining the steering angle and speed means no increase or decrease, so it remains ( 3 , 3 ).

前回のターンの移動率が( 3 , 3 )だった場合、ハンドル操作はマイナス1、アクセル操作は増減なしで移動率は( 2 , 3 )、
次のターンでさらに抜重しながら速度を維持する場合はさらにハンドル操作をマイナス1、アクセル操作は増減なしで移動率は( 1, 3 )となります。
□ Steering Operation + Accelerator Operation (Speed Up)
When accelerating while applying weight to the steering, you will increase both weight and acceleration by +1 increments.
Starting from ( 0 , 0 ), if you accelerate while applying weight, both values increase by +1 to ( 1 , 1 ).
In the next turn, if you apply more weight while accelerating, both values will again increase by +1 to ( 2 , 2 ).
If you continue to apply weight and accelerate in the following turn, both will increase by +1 to ( 3 , 3 ).

□ Summary
You can move to the same point as the movement rate in the previous turn and to the eight surrounding points.

レースルール / RACE RULES

□ Determining Starting Position and Turn Order with Rock-Paper-Scissors
Starting positions are set in the order of players who win at Rock-Paper-Scissors, and the turn order follows this sequence as well. The result of Rock-Paper-Scissors does not affect the race itself; only accelerator and steering operations determine the outcome.

□ You Cannot Move to Coordinates Occupied by Another Player
You cannot place your racing car on the same coordinates as those occupied by another player.

□ You Can Move to Coordinates Already Passed by Another Player
If another player has already passed through, you may place your racing car on the same coordinates.

□ Crash
A crash occurs if deceleration is insufficient and your racing car enters the gray zone.

クラッシュした場合はクラッシュ前のプロットから移動率( 0 , 0 )にて再スタートします。ただし移動先の座標にすでに他のマシーンがいて、移動先がない場合はそのターンはお休みとなります。
□ Restart
In the event of a crash, you will restart from the movement rate ( 0 , 0 ) at the position prior to the crash. However, if there are already other players at the destination coordinates and no available move, you will skip that turn.

That's All The Rules. Once You Get Used To Them, It's Easy!

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